There's one other Stake Park very close by, Quail Lake, which I'm sure I'll do next, but Sand Hollow is more popular so I wanted to get it in first. It seems there's no activator in this area though otherwise for sure it would have been done already.

Since I knew I would be close to where I parked I brought a little bit different gear. For example I
brought a 7 AH battery, which is bigger and heavy compared to my SOTA gear. I also used my Jackite pole which is taller and heavier than my fishing pole mast along with a metal tripod to keep it up in the air.
At the park:

It didn't take too long to setup. I did have to find some rocks so the tripod didn't tip over, but there were some nearby. There were a few boats out, they weren't too loud but they did make waves on the beach, but with my headphones it wasn't overly distracting.
On the radio:
I got on frequency, sent a spot with my phone, and started to call CQ. I hadn't even finished and given my callsign when I went to adjust my camera for video and I started getting calls. I got a steady
stream for the first 10 minutes--most from the east coast. I was getting Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New Jersey, Vermont--very different from the last time when I got very few contacts on 20 meters (and before I figured out the issues with my radio's settings). I had officially activated the park in those first ten minutes (I had 11 contacts). Very cool!
From that point, everything else is just extra and fun and relaxing. I tried to get a couple of park to park contacts, but the two I called just couldn't hear me. I switched over to 40 meters, which was great for me last time, but I only got two contacts (??) so that was odd. I went back to 20 and got a few more.
Even though I noticed it last time, this time I had more contacts sending me "44" which is from the WWFF/KFF program (World Wide Flora & Fauna). It's a predecessor to POTA. There's a huge, old controversy back in the day when one group split off to do their own thing. There are some notable differences. WWFF/KFF requires 44 qso's to activate, POTA is 10. POTA is similar to the one-year National Parks on the Air activity that was a huge success in that it includes some trails and historic areas, not just parks. Since it's not a big deal to submit the same log to both, that's what I'll be doing from now on to help those who are in it for only one of them (or both at the same time).
Video of the activation
Call | Bnd | Date / Time | Frequency | Mode | Name | ST | Rec | Snt |
AA5UZ | 20 | 7/31/2020 15:04 | 14.057 | CW | JUDY | LA | 559 | 579 |
N8II | 20 | 7/31/2020 15:03 | 14.057 | CW | Jeff | WV | 549 | 599 |
AB0O | 20 | 7/31/2020 15:02 | 14.057 | CW | JOHN | MO | 599 | 599 |
K0ERE | 40 | 7/31/2020 14:44 | 7.037 | CW | WILLIAM | KS | 559 | 599 |
W6LEN | 40 | 7/31/2020 14:42 | 7.037 | CW | JESS | CA | 599 | 599 |
WK2S | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:34 | 14.057 | CW | Art | NJ | 559 | 599 |
W4KAC | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:30 | 14.057 | CW | KENNETH | NC | 519 | 599 |
AE0XI | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:23 | 14.057 | CW | Terry | SD | 549 | 599 |
KD8DEU | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:22 | 14.057 | CW | Allan | MI | 599 | 599 |
K8RAT | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:21 | 14.057 | CW | WILLIAM | OH | 549 | 559 |
NG5E | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:21 | 14.057 | CW | DAVID | TX | 559 | 599 |
N0XE | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:18 | 14.057 | CW | JAMES | IA | 222 | 579 |
K1PL | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:16 | 14.057 | CW | PAUL | CT | 599 | 599 |
W5GDW | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:15 | 14.057 | CW | GARY | NC | 559 | 599 |
AC0A | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:14 | 14.057 | CW | William | KS | 559 | 599 |
KE1VT | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:13 | 14.057 | CW | KEVIN | VT | 599 | 599 |
NE4TN | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:12 | 14.057 | CW | WALTER | TN | 569 | 599 |
W9AV | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:11 | 14.057 | CW | Julien | WI | 559 | 599 |
W1OPR | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:11 | 14.057 | CW | DUSTIN | ME | 319 | 599 |
N4EX | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:08 | 14.057 | CW | RICHARD | NC | 549 | 599 |
VE3LDT | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:07 | 14.057 | CW | David Wg | ON | 559 | 599 |
N4MJ | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:07 | 14.057 | CW | GLENN | TN | 569 | 599 |
K1RO | 20 | 7/31/2020 14:06 | 14.057 | CW | Mark | NH | 559 | 599 |
Radio-related Equipment:
Linked dipole, homebrewed (4 bands)
Other gear:
Leypin selfie stick tripod (for recording video)
Android MotoZ (US topo map app, spotting, UTC time, recording)
Misc. items (for repair, food, water, etc.)
Thanks for reading!
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